Possible Parables “Biblical Stories Re-Imagined and Performed” – Saturday, March 8, 2025

Event Phone: 630-969-4141

Saturday, March 8, 2025 — 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. (Coffee/Rolls at 8:30 a.m.)

Repeated by Popular Demand — The first presentation, which was held last October, sold out a week in advance.  This is a repeat.  Register Early!

Location:  St. Paul Hall, Carmelite Campus; 8501 Bailey Road; Darien, IL

Cost:  $20/person – Coffee and rolls included (optional lunch for an additional $15)

Presenter: Dr. Jim Healy

Are there parables or bible stories that you’ve heard so often that your brain goes on automatic when they start?  Have you ever wondered what happened “the next day” after a key event in Scripture?  Have you had blinding flashes of insight regarding a scripture passage and then somehow forgotten it?  Have you suspected that some of the villains in scripture were not all bad, and some of the heroes not all good?  Do you want to explore more the depth of their meaning?  Join us on the morning of March 8.  After each short dramatic presentation, there will be time for reflection and feedback.

Robert Frost said:  “A poem begins in delight but ends in wisdom!”  So too, Scripture.

“Striking, innovative, enjoyable and challenging!  Don’t miss this one!”  — Fr. Bob Colaresi, CSC Director

Jim Healy is a psychologist, playwright and performer.  For 30 years, he was the Director of the Office of Family Ministry for the Catholic Diocese of Joliet.  He is a popular speaker and writer in this field, but more recently has been writing and performing his own theatrical work, including the popular Louis Jolliet:  A Solid Path Through Water.  Jim has an earned doctorate in Counseling Psychology from the University of Illinois.  In 2019, Lewis University also awarded him an honorary doctorate in the Humanities.

Registration deadline:  March 6, 2025

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