Our Lady of Mount Carmel Feast Day Celebration
Tuesday July 16, 2019
Join us as we celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel with food, prayer, song, and festivities!
Our procession will start at the Carmelite Meditation Garden next to the Carmelite Spiritual Center, 8419 Bailey Rd., Darien. IL 60561. From the Meditation Garden, we will process to the National Shrine Museum of St. Therese for a talk about Our Lady of Mount Carmel and Mass.
10:00 AM – Procession with Our Lady of Mount Carmel
Carmelite Meditation Garden
8419 Bailey Rd., Darien, IL, 60561
11:30 AM – Feast Day Mass
National Shrine of St. Therese
8433 Bailey Rd., Darien, IL, 60561
12:15 PM – Boxed Lunch Available for Purchase
St. Paul’s Hall, $7 for lunch
8501 Bailey Rd., Darien, IL, 60561
1:00 PM – Talk on Our Lady of Mount Carmel
National Shrine Museum of St. Therese
8501 Bailey Rd., Darien, IL, 60561
Parking will be available at the Carmelite Spiritual Center 8419 Bailey Rd., Darien. IL 60561 and the National Shrine Museum of St. Therese, 8418, 8501 Bailey Rd, Darien, IL 60561
Call the Carmelite Campus at 800-647-1430 for more information.
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Feast Day
July 16, 2019
10:00 am - 1:00 pm