Dare to Heal Program
Event Phone: 630-969-4141
August 11, 2022 – 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at the Carmelite Spiritual Center
What area of your life needs healing right now? Can your faith in Jesus help you to heal physically, mentally, and spiritually?
We are all “walking wounded”. The process of living brings about intentional and unintentional hurts. Some wounds heal, but others can remain dormant, possibly even at a subconscious level, but can continue to harm us, separate us from others or even from the Divine, and can stunt our growth.
As with the hemorrhaging woman in the crowd referenced in both Mark’s and Luke’s gospels (Mark 5:25, Luke 8:43), who courageously reached out to touch the tassel of Jesus in full trust and desire to be healed, so too are so many of us, hungry, aching, desiring relief from the wounds not even articulated. It begins with our own desire to heal.
“We have a Lord who is capable of crying with us and walking with us in the most difficult moments of life.” (Pope Francis).
This Interactive Program will HELP participants:
- identify areas in their own lives in need of healing
- learn from the wounds already healed
- articulate areas of resistance
- seek opportunities to heal
- learn how to recognize evidence of healing
This program includes coffee/rolls and lunch. It will be conducted by Angela Scaperlanda Bujan, MA who is a bilingual (fluency in English and Spanish) certified spiritual director, coach, retreat leader, speaker, writer, wife and mother. Angela will guide you to reflect on the areas of your life that need healing. The day will include prayer, presentation, individual reflection, and small group discussion.
Dare to Heal
August 11, 2022
9:00 am - 4:00 pm